romantic act of reason
site specific installation
photography | installation | sound | illusion | research

there are two natures in me, the rational and irrational, thought and emotion, action and reaction. these are always in dialogue between each other, not in peace at all times, but equally essential to my understanding of reality. in the romantic act of reason i explored these two sides. i was looking for the area where rationality and romanticism intersect, driven by an assumption that the two can exist in synergy and even more so create something beautiful together. there are numerous historical examples of where the two collide. take, for example, the timeless, recurring wish to fly. people employed all knowledge and logics available to them to make that wish come true. they built intricate wing constructions and wooden flying machines, but the failures far outnumber the successes. for my project romantic act of reason i am looking for the grey area between rationality and romanticism. i collected dozens of historical images from art, science and daily life. these examples explore, on one hand, a rational, analytical approach, but on the other hand are romantic and emotionally charged. in my studio i created a big installation which i then photographed and used the resulting image to build a new installation where real objects and photographs overlap, creating an optical illusion. the final work is a spatial installation which resembles a diorama, centered around the reference to tatlin tower and tower of babel, where parts of the vista are three-dimensional objects and parts are photographs, blending dimensions and confusing the viewer.
in my project romantic act of reason i was looking for the grey area between rationality and romanticism. i collected dozens of historical images from art, science and daily life. these examples explore, on one hand, a rational, analytical approach, but on the other hand are romantic and emotionally charged. in my studio i created a big installation which i then photographed and used the resulting image to build a new installation where real objects and photographs overlap, creating an optical illusion. the final work is a spatial installation which resembles a diorama, centered around the reference to tatlin tower and tower of babel, where parts of the vista are three-dimensional objects and parts are photographs, blending dimensions and confusing the viewer.
a short video kindly made by musée de l'elysée, to accompany the exhibition i took part in. i briefly talk about the project and give background information.
research played an important role in this work. it was the first time i used information as a material to shape the outcomes. romantic act of reason was an important project that opened up the possibilities to incorporate research without compromising aesthetic qualities. this methodology entered my practice becoming one od the most essential tools in my toolbox.